Order Routing.

Optimise inventory sourcing for smarter order allocation .

Create business rules to send orders to the most logical fulfillment location.

Make your fulfillment smarter, turn orders around faster and delivered to the customer quicker for a better customer experience.

Flexible order routing.

Efficiently and automatically allocate orders by creating custom workflows and business rules. Turn fulfillment locations on or off as required to meet demand.

Optimise stock levels.

Prevent stock outs, keep stock turning over and maintain stock levels by integrating real-time inventory in a distributed order management system.

Reduce fulfillment costs.

Create rules to ensure orders are routed to the best fulfillment location; all items in stock, closest location to the customer and more.


What is Order Routing?

Retail order routing is the allocation of orders to fulfillment locations, based on predefined business rules. Orders from any sales channel (ecommerce websites, marketplaces, and more) are imported into a Distributed OMS for fulfillment.

Smart fulfillment rules are then applied to all orders, regardless of where the order has come from. In its simplest form, orders can be sent to the closest location to the customer with stock. Rules can be as complex as required, based on many factors.

Fulfillment locations can be retail stores, distribution centres, dropshippers and more. Any location within a commerce ecosystem with stock can be a fulfillment location, and can be turned on or off whenever required.

create rules to streamline order fulfillment

Turn your business priorities into intelligent fulfillment rules, with layer upon layer of conditions and subsequent actions.

Fulfil from anywhere.

Create complex rules, simply.

Manage orders on the fly.

Optimise inventory sourcing.

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